
When they met, it was murdah!

Like so many other old shows/intros now rediscovered via YouTube, this is so much cheesier than I remembered. I'm not sure which part of the montage of scenes I treasure the most -- the exploding cabin (love those vests), the trap doors, or the trumpet. Fabulous white suit on Robert Wagner, by the way -- no wonder Stefanie Powers ran so quickly into his bed!


Lefty said...

Oh, I used to love that show! Mr. & Mrs. Hart were so in love. I don't recall a single episode where they had marital trouble.

I love the train footage. Wide angle of the stunt guy on top of the train, cut to bad bluescreen shot of Wagner.

The dog was Freeway. I mention that for no other reason than to prove my mind is a wealth of useless knowledge.

smauge said...

I loved that show when I was a kid! Thanks for the trip down memory lane - ain't youtube great?