
The object of the Trix Rabbit's desire

The Trix Rabbit, on the other hand, desperately wants the cereal confection, but it denied at every turn. I'm torn with this. Seeing the way Sonny is enabled by his support group to get the object of his desire, his downfall. Sonny is denied, perhaps because the kids have seen how he gets when hopped up on the Trix. Maybe he can handle it. Maybe he just wants it and the kids are greedy and selfish. I wonder if local supermarkets have a picture of the Trix Rabbit behind the counter with "don't sell to this rabbit" scrawled on it. He can obviously afford disguises and in the above case, an amplifier and guitar. You'd think he could buy his own.

I guess they're just for kids, ask your vet if Trix is right for your rabbit.


Insanity runs rampant in the land of the cereal icons

Everyone knows Sonny is coo-coo for Cocoa Puffs. Alas, this condition has persisted for decades without intervention. Does he have no loved ones, no dear friends who are sensitive to his plight? On the contrary, those he keeps company with taunt him endlessly with large bowls of his sweet, chocolaty Achilles heel. They've never had to deal with him the next day. They've never had to be the ones holding his feathers back from his beak as he vomits cocoa almost endlessly. They've never had to deal with the constant shaking, the tearful promises of 'never again'.

Even in the old days, when his addiction was just beginning to grow, his support group could best be described as enablers. See how they taunt him, knowing full well his weakness for that chocolatey treat. It makes me sad.