
More Saturday Morning Live Action!

I've been a fan of early Saturday morning kids TV fare from the get-go. Eight am used to be the start time for the fun (I know because I tried earlier and all I could find were boring talky-adult-type shows). In 1974 Land of the Lost stumbled clumsily onto the scene. I remember thinking that something seemed... wrong... about the intro. I realize now that they were using miniatures and the cast on a bluescreen to achieve the effect. Willing suspension of disbelief had to be firmly in place to buy much of it... especially the possibility of them living through a 1,000 foot fall. Screw it, I enjoyed it.

Perhaps my favorite Saturday Morning Cartoon was Scooby Doo. I was always drawn to dark and creepy things. It would have done my heart good to find that more creepy entities encountered on the show were not just ol' mister Jenkins from the mill ("If it weren't for you kids and that pesky mutt...), but that wasn't the premise, I guess. The show was great up until they started introducing Scooby's relatives. Scooby Dum was OK, but Scrappy should never have existed. I'm sure some producer asked them to "Cuten it up" some. Puppy power my A**!

Other examples of harmful cutening in no particular order: Batmite, Gleek (both from Superfriends), Orko, Twikie, and Oliver.

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